Industrial progress should go hand in hand with the development of agriculture. 工业的发展同农业的发展密切相关。
Impact of the industrial enzyme progress on the production of chemicals 新型工业酶制剂的进步对生物化学品工业生产过程的影响
How shall we proceed with our industrialization? How could we arrest scientific and industrial progress? 我们的工业化怎样搞呢?我们可以用什么方法来阻止科学和工业的进步呢?
Based in scientific and industrial progress. 以科学和工业的发展为基础的。
America's rapid industrial progress has been due to its readiness to adopt new idea and to interchange information. 美国工业的快速发展是由于其愿意采纳新思想和互换信息。
Felt his mother's directing arm around him; the directional role of science on industrial progress. 感觉到妈妈那指引方向一样的手臂正环绕着他;在工业发展中科学的导向性角色。
I choose the example of scientific and industrial progress. 我用科学和工业的进步作为例子。
We construct the big and small process "sharing circle" as the basis, and make the enterprises become the study type of organization so as to push forward the enterprise development and the industrial progress. 以营建大大小小的过程共享圈作为基础,使企业成为学习型组织,以不断推动企业发展和产业进步。
Forest industrial progress is one of the important index to check comprehensive level of enterprise. 新疆森工企业是新疆林业的重要组成部分。森工技术进步率是全面考核林业综合水平的重要指标之一。
The principle, characteristics, faulty and industrial progress of some typical direct reduction process has been introduced and the developing cause, present state and prospect of the process in the world have been analyzed. 全面介绍了各种典型直接还原工艺的原理、特点与缺陷及工业化进展情况,分析了世界直接还原工艺技术发展的动因、现状与趋势。
Enterprise group is the representative of advanced productivity as modern high-grade enterprise joint form, the newest performance of production and capital accumulation scale, the source of industrial technical progress, the embodiment and the foundation of national economic strength. 作为现代的高级的企业联合形式,企业集团是先进生产力的代表,是生产集中和资本积累规模的最新表现,是产业技术进步的策源地,是国家经济实力的基础和体现。
The main challenge in the coming new century is how to make macro-economy, structure reform and industrial progress to promote each other. 我国近期面对的主要挑战是如何使宏观经济与结构改革、产业进步相互促进,迎接新世纪的到来。
Industrial progress of green and biological heavy-duty coating 绿色重防腐涂料和生物基重防腐涂料
It has important industrial development effects to China, such as, promoting the industrial technological progress, strengthening competitive power of the industrial cluster, etc. 服务业国际转移在推动我国产业技术进步、强化产业集群竞争优势、加速产业结构优化、提升外源产业资本的协同水平等方面具有重要的产业发展效应。
Through analyzing deeply the causes that restrict the forming of the cluster mechanism in the industrial park, the thesis go step further to research the way that the industrial park progress gradually to the clusters. 最后通过对制约园区集群机制形成的原因分析,进一步探究了我国工业园区集群发展的途径。
Reviewes the methods for measuring the industrial technical progress. 对工业技术进步测算方法进行了评述;
How to increase its competitive power through structural reform at deep levels, promote its industrial progress step by step, and even probe into the development of transnational cooperation, is the key for sci-tech periodical to make great strides forward. 如何通过深层次的机制改革提高其竞争力,逐步推进其产业化进程以至探索跨国式联合发展的路子,是科技期刊实现长足发展的关键。
This paper uses three models to estimate the contribution share of Xinjiang forest industrial technological progress. 本文根据新疆森工统计资料,首次采用增长速度方程、综合要素生产率指数、总因子生产率指数三种模型测算了新疆森工技术进步贡献份额(1981年到1986年)。
To accelerate industrial technology progress and enhance economic growth quality 加快产业技术进步提高经济增长质量
China is a developing country which is being in industrial progress, the drain on the national resources is on the increase, the resources-type industry will occupy an extremely important place for a long term. 我国是一个处于工业化进程中的发展中国家,资源消耗处于增长阶段,资源型产业将长期占有相当重要的地位和比重。
Considering the world industrial progress, however, it can be seen that oligopoly, is actually the main trend of the current international market structure development. 但从世界范围内的产业发展来看,寡头垄断是当今国际市场结构发展的主流。
At present, with the rise and development of industrial technology progress, air pollution prevention and management has become a growing concern. 当今社会,伴随着工业科技的崛起与发展进步,大气污染的防治与治理已成为人们日益关注的问题。
Then policies and suggestions are put forward for development and efficient governance of technical standardization alliance, and improvement of high-tech industrial technological progress. 进一步,提出了完善技术标准联盟治理体系,发展技术标准联盟、促进高技术产业技术进步的政策建议。
The water pollution has become more and more serious with the industrial progress and social development, so it become a worldwide leading environmental management problem to human survival and personal health, therefore, countries are looking for the best solution. 随着工业进步和社会发展,水污染亦日趋严重,成了世界性的头号环境治理难题,给人类的生存环境及人身健康带来严重影响,因此各国都在寻找着最佳的解决办法。
The third chapter analyzed the influence factors of outward foreign direct investment which affected the industrial technology progress of the homeland, and discussed the influence mechanism and path of it. 第三章分析了对外直接投资对母国产业技术进步的影响因素,探讨了对外直接投资影响母国产业技术进步的机理及路径。
With economic development and industrial progress, pressure vessels has been widely used in all businesses, so as the leader, the pressure vessel design is particularly important. 随着经济的发展,工业的进步,压力容器已经被广泛应用于各行各业中,于是,作为龙头的压力容器设计就显得尤为重要了。
As indicators of productivity, it is the main measure of the ratio between the total output and all of the inputs, the growth rate is often thought of as indicators of industrial progress. 作为生产率指标,它主要衡量的是总的产出与全部的投入量之间的比值,这种增长率通常被认为是产业进步的指标。
Electro-hydraulic type vibration table is a kind of test device, and may, according to needs the vibration of the simulation process, it is widely used in industrial production area, its development to a certain extent in the upper scale in a national industrial progress level. 电液式振动台是一种试验装置,可以根据需要模拟现场的振动过程,它广泛应用于工业生产领域,其发展规模在一定程度上体现出一个国家工业进步的水平。
The rapid development of society, the industrial civilization progress between people, between countries was interchanging; making human relations in this big development tide gradually lost unique personality and spirit of integrity. 社会的快速发展,工业文明的进步,人与人之间、国与国之间互通式的需求关系,使人类在这大的发展浪潮中逐渐丧失了独特的个性与心灵的完整。
Through research on industrial technology innovation alliance in the developed countries promoting to industrial progress, our government puts forward the concept of the Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, as the important model of industries-universities-research institute cooperation in the next period in our country. 我国研究了发达国家的产业技术创新联盟对产业进步的推动作用后,提出了建立符合我国实际国情的产业技术创新战略联盟,并将此作为我国下一阶段产学研合作的重要形式之一。